Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hawaii Surf Break Recycling Surf Boards

Our Eco systems cannot handle all the trash we dish out on a daily basis, My family recycles cans, bottles and plastics, as well as Bulky day items that find their way out on the curb. Some items remain toxic even in the state of disrepair. I pick them up, fix, repair, paint and sell for a small fee.

I decided that i was also going to recycle old fiberglass and foam boards to keep them from the local land fills. I Love to paint art work so the old boards get a awesome coat of creativity and back into the world they go as Surf ART . I ve been recycling surf boards for a while now, I don't want to be described as a tree hugger but i guess i could be the "Board Hugger". One day I received a call from a guy named Patrick S. he also recycles boards, he fixes and repairs them and back out into the world they go! It was great to run into someone who has this great idea as well. he had several boards for me to recycle into Art.

I went out to Patrick's to pick up 10 or so boards and half's , front and back of trashed "Wave Beater ' Boards. He also loved the Tiki Mamboo i painted wanted to buy it.

I also teach kids about recycling things, so at my next kid class they will have a board to paint! I teach painting techniques to them and remind them it is absolutely necessary to recycle things.

Awesome!! Just Awesome!! Every board i sell goes back to the community in a new light. The money made from them buys paint and materials.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It's almost that time for the pipeline pro! Support your body boarders!

Rainwater Eco Art

While we all need to be responsible and take recycling serious these days. I have gain momentum in my Art endeavors. "Got Board"? I recycle old wave beaters ( Surf Boards) and turn them into hand painted art for all to enjoy. Anything can be replenished or re-newed if one only can see the beauty behind the trash. My work can be found at several places online. Here are a few places. , ,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pipe Trails At Sandy Beach 2011

The Trails for the Men and women open spots were held at Sandy Beach, Dispite less favorable waves , they managed to pull it off with mens draws. Followed by DNK and Womens.

Turbo Pipe Pro Signing at Ala Moana Center

To kick off the 2011 pipeline Pro Body Board compition that start Feb 15-27. Boarders and sponcers put on a event at Ala Moana Center. A was a great time had by all 31 top team Proffessional Men and Women Body Boarders show support to the public for their suport in return. T&C put on the event at Ala Moana Center with giving away many prizes. The contestant signed autographs for both young and old.

Ben Severson was in the line up as well as Ben Player, Jeff Hubbard, Mike Stewart. Amuery Laverhn ,Boarder from All over the world are world Champion Body boarders.
The women like Steph Patterson ,Claudia Ferrarri , Carla Acosta also signed photos . The Three hour event was so fun.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day at Eddies

Well we gatherd on the sand to watch as surfers paddled out to the 15 -20 foot swells. It was packed and it did not seem to faze surfers as this is what they do. Call was to be at 7. AM but the crowed quickly realized that some one was "Crying wolf. *. 8 Am rolled around and Quicksilver and Downing waited for call. I ve been timming the sets and as they got further apart i knew it was a no go. Without hesitation i packed up my gear and kids and left befor the crowds too over once again Wiemeia bays roads.

Eddie Dint Go Due to inconsistant wave action

It is Tuesday when we arrive at the North Shore to secure parking for the Eddie event, but not before we hit the Mcdonalds drive inn. Two happy meals and two dollor burgers should do it! We camped out in the car with two kids in tow. The surf rumbled like a freight train from 3 AM on. Not to mention it was a full moon so it was like sleeping with the light on.

The Buoys were screaming 25 plus for a week now. Event organators really called on the island as gossip and rumors started to feed the frenzy on the North shore. By 7 PM there was people camping out at sharks cove with us . Parking was non to be had. Tents ,barbies,and happy people fed the euphoria and anticipation.

At 6.AM we woke to a starbucks coffee and totally exhausted from sleep deprivation. Pure adrenaline is what every body was running on (well in my camp) , we started our trek to the bay along with 1000 people like zombie's heading to a AC/DC concert. No standing room, the waves would come in every 28 miutes, cameras and excited people spilled out into the road on curve side. Tom Carroll was interview for KITV as we approached, Aloha Tom! followed by a quick good luck hug and then there was Sunny Garcia it was like family picnic!